
Hi there, Iā€™m Gabriella Ann Boresi!

I am a 20 year old college student in Manhattan who loves to talk all things fashion, career and lifestyle. I was born in Ohio and lived in cities in Florida and California before my family moved to Long Island, New York. I now attend Fordham University where I study Digital Technology and Emerging Media, Fashion and Marketing. Throughout my first two years at school I ran a large women in business club where I have built a wonderful network and gained incredible career advice!

I started this blog because I love having a creative outlet and I felt I had a lot to share when it came to fashion, career and lifestyle. From a young age I have been a shopaholic and now I hope to be fortunate to work in the fashion industry after I graduate college. I feel that I have a lot of knowledge surrounding career advice for college students and I hope I can provide inspiration and act as a resource for many other young women.

Feel free to comment on my posts and follow me on Instagram!